We are 1 day overdue. We definitely thought baby would make her big arrival by now but she must be comfortable where she is. Today Jesse and I went boating with his family. It was nice and relaxing and fun to be out in the sun and hopefully have a little bit of a tan for the hospital pictures :)
My stats since Thursday....I am 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. The effacement hasn't changed in two weeks but I did go from 1 cm dilated to 2 cm dilated within a couple days. My OB said baby has dropped a lot. She was previously -2 station but didn't tell me what station she is currently at. I have been on my exercise ball every night so I think that has been helping lower her. The Dr also stripped my membranes. I've heard if this works, you should go into labor within 24-48 hours....well that didn't happen so baby isn't ready yet. Yesterday my mucus plug starting coming out in pieces. I am not sure if the whole plug is completely out. I've heard some women lost pieces for days and don't go into labor for weeks. I was pretty excited when it started to come out though, I would assume I'm a little more dilated because it starts to come out when the cervix is dilating more and more.
My next appointment is on Tuesday. I will have an NST, ultrasound to check amniotic fluid, and a regular internal exam. If the amniotic fluid is low or Dr thinks baby needs to come out, we will be induced Tuesday night. They usually start at midnight with a dose of Cervidal, a cervix ripener, then start the pitocin the next morning. I am hoping baby will come on her own before that. If everything looks good on Tuesday, our induction date will be set sometime for the following week.
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