Saturday, March 31, 2012

22 Weeks

We had our Level II ultrasound at the Perinatal Center and everything was perfect! Baby girl still has two Choroid Plexus Cysts but the doctor thinks they should go away. We were so excited to see her again and beyond happy that she is healthy.

How far along? 22 weeks

Weight Gain/Loss: 9 lbs. I'm over half way done and hoping that I can stay around the 25-30 weight gain mark so I think I'm probably right on for the weight gain.

Maternity Clothes? Within the next week or two I'm going to have to switch to all maternity tops but for right now I can still fit in my normal tops but definitely not normal jeans.

Symptoms: Stretching skin and lower back pain. Nothing I can't ignore though. 

Best moment this week: Feeling the baby more and more.

Food Cravings? Full on cravings for sugar!!! Especially Snickers ice cream bars. 

Gender? Girly girl!

Belly button in or out? Still an innie but after I've eaten and when I'm breathing out, my belly button comes out.

Stretch Marks? Not yet.

Movement? Lots of movement this week! We have a kicker :) 

What Im looking forward to: The nursery furniture to come in. We have a lot of items that we need to paint and match the crib so we have to wait for the crib to arrive, then color match some paint for the trim, wainscoting, dresser, etc.

Milestones: Our baby's facial features are becoming more distinct so she is looking more and more like herself. Her irises are formed but her eyes do not have pigment yet.

Baby Size: Our baby is the size of a papaya.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Gender Reveal Party!!!! It's a......

Girl!!! We are so thrilled! We cut into cake in front of our family and friends and found pink! It was such a fun way to find out what we are having and of course mommy got what she wanted, a little princess :)

I'll post an update with photos of the party decor and a video of us cutting the cake, but for now, here is a picture of the pink cake:

Saturday, March 17, 2012

20 Weeks

Wow, a lot has happened since I last posted! We went on vacation to Cozumel, Mexico during my 18 and 19th week so I didn't really have time to create an 18 week post. During our vacation, I felt Baby A kicking! Before that I was only feeling flutters once in a while, especially when I sneezed or at night while laying in bed. It's the most amazing thing when your baby moves and you can feel it, it's almost like the baby is communicating with you. I'm actually feeling the baby kick as I type this! Jesse also got to feel the baby move while on vacation. I'm pretty sure the baby did a couple of rolls while Jesse's hands were on my stomach and he felt it! I'm so glad I finally got to share that with him and of course he was ecstatic!

On Wednesday, after our vacation, we had our anatomy scan and 20 week appointment. First was our ultrasound. We told the ultrasound tech that we didn't want her to tell us of show us the sex of the baby, but rather write it down and put it in a sealed envelope for us to take to a baker. The baker would then make a cake that  is dyed either pink or blue on the inside. This Sunday we are having our closest family and friends over to witness us cutting into the cake to reveal the sex of our baby. This ultrasound was one of the biggest things I was looking forward to during pregnancy, apart from feeling our little one kick. But, during the ultrasound the tech discovered some choroid plexus cysts within the baby's brain cavity. I immediately began to panic because the word "cysts" is really scary to a mother. We were informed that these normally go away on their own but that they can also mean brain abnormalities. Of course my pessimistic self thinks the worst and I can't help but worry for my baby. After some research of my own, I found that these kind of cysts are a marker for Edward Syndrome, something I have been tested for and came back with the lowest risk possible. I am hopeful but in the back of my mind, scared to death for our baby. Next week we will be going in for a level II ultrasound to further check these cysts to determine exactly was is going on. Prayers are definitely appreciated!! I will update this blog as soon as we hear how our results turn out on the ultrasound next week.

As for the usual:

How far along? 20 weeks

Weight Gain/Loss: According to my doctor, I no longer need to gain all of my weight back that I lost in the first trimester. I am at the exact same weight this morning, as I was the day I found out I was pregnant. My doctor is letting me count half of that as weight gain, so right now I'm at a 6 lb. weight gain. This is spot on with how far along I am, I should be gaining a lb a week in the second and third trimester. My belly is also measuring perfectly.

Maternity Clothes? I am officially in maternity pants and I'm not looking back! My regular jeans are just too tight on my tummy and make me feel so uncomfortable. As for maternity tops, I occasionally wear them but I'm also trying to wear my regular shirts because I know I will be wearing those maternity tops plenty in this second half of this pregnancy.

Symptoms: Back pain is still apparent at night and when I wake up. I'm also get out of breath a lot easier now. 

Best moment this week: Being able to see our baby waving at us and seeing it move while also feeling the movement.

Food Cravings? Mostly sweets or fresh foods like veggies and fruit. 

Gender? Tomorrow is our gender reveal party and everyone attending must wear either pink or blue, depending on what they think it is. I have officially decided to wear pink! Go Team Pink!!

Belly button in or out? Still an innie but it's slowly making it's way out. 

Stretch Marks? No, but my linea nigra is starting to show.

Movement? Full on kicks and either rolling or feeling the butt against my stomach. It's so amazing! 

What Im looking forward to: I'm dying to know what our baby is! We will find out in about 24 hours!!! Also, I am looking forward/partially dreading our level II ultrasound next week, just praying for a healthy baby.

Milestones: Our baby is now consuming the amniotic fluid for nutrients. It's skin is also covered in vernix caseosa to protect it.

Baby Size: Our baby is the size of a cantalope.

Here is one of the ultrasound pictures. I think it looks like the baby is cooing because it's mouth is open and the bottom lip is puckered out.