Tuesday, January 24, 2012

NT Scan

We had our nuchal translucey scan and genetic screening done. Everything looked good on the scan and our results came back in the normal range. Before all the screening, they gave me the risks for our baby having a chromosonal abnormality just based off of my age. Those risks where as follows:
Down syndrome: 1/1040 chance
All chromosomal abnormalities (including downs): 1/500 chance

Our results came back with less risk that our baby would be born with those abnormalities:
Down syndrome: 1/2607 chance
Other trisomy syndromes: 1/10,000 chance

All in all, we are glad we did the NT scan because we got to see our healthy baby moving around, we saw the heart beat, and nothing appeared to be wrong. But at the same time, I was surprised that they weren't able to say "yes" or "no" to any issues. that is mostly my fault on not researching exactly what genetic testing entails. We definitely didn't regret doing it and we do have a better peace of mind that our baby is as healthy as can be.

Here are a few pictures of bug from the ultrasound. I was thrilled that they did a 3D picture!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

12 Weeks

We made it to 12 weeks, the "safe zone!" The risk of miscarriage is now only at 2%. We are incredibly happy and so blessed to have made it this far! In the back of my mind I've been telling myself, make it to 12 weeks and you can stop worrying . I do have this sense of relief now and we get to see our baby in 3 days to see how perfect he/she is :)

How far along? 12 weeks

Weight Gain/Loss: I've lost 12 lbs. now, but I should start feeling better soon and can start gaining some weight. 

Maternity Clothes? My bloating is starting to go down and clothes seem to be more comfortable again. I can wear regular jeans or maternity jeans. I'm not hiding my small bump anymore so I'm wearing my pre-pregnancy shirts again.

Symptoms: I still get bouts of morning sickness, especially at night, but I've noticed it's not as frequent or as bad as before. Also, I'm able to stay up until 9 now!! I feel like my sense of smell is desensitizing too.

Best moment this week: Making it to the "safe zone," it's such a great feeling.

Food Cravings? I've had a few small cravings lately. I can never get enough milk and I love Cheetos, which I was never a huge fan of before. 

Gender? We just did the Drano test and it came back boy. We'll find out if that's true in 8 weeks! 

Belly button in or out? In.

Stretch Marks? No

Movement? Nothing yet

What Im looking forward to: I'm looking forward to our Nuchal Translucency scan on Tuesday. We will get to see our baby for about 45 minutes! I can't wait to spend that time with our baby! And to hopefully find out that everything looks great and our baby is developing perfectly. 

Milestones: Our baby is growing finger nails and hair this week. It's skeletal system is continuing to form.

Baby Size: Our baby is the size of a plum.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

10 Weeks

Wow, a lot has happened in the past two weeks! An ultrasound, announcing on Facebook, hearing the heart beat. We feel so blessed!

How far along? 10 weeks

Weight Gain/Loss: I've lost over 10 lbs. now. My doctor assured me that weight loss is normal in the 1st trimester and the ultrasound showed that baby is measuring perfectly.  

Maternity Clothes? My bloat is still here and there so it depends on the day. Some days I can wear regular clothes, other days I have to use the bella band with my jeans.

Symptoms: The morning sickness is still here. Some days it's all day sickness other days it just starts at night, around 4 pm. I'm still tired by 6 and go to bed around 7-8ish. I'm excited to hopefully get some relief in 2 weeks when I will be in the 2nd trimester.

Best moment this week: Announcing on Facebook to everyone that we are expecting! It was so amazing to see all the people that are excited for us! Also being able to hear the baby's heartbeat!

Food Cravings? No cravings that really stick, just trying to find foods that I can stand eating.

Gender? I'm back to thinking it's a boy. I have no idea why I have this feeling but I can only imagine this little one as a boy.  

Belly button in or out? In.

Stretch Marks? No

Movement? Not yet, hopefully in about 7 weeks.

What Im looking forward to: I'm looking forward to feeling better and having more energy. Also, using the doppler more to hear our baby's heart beat. 

Milestones: Our baby has formed all it's vital organs, it's embryonic tail has disappeared and bones are forming. The baby's brain is rapidly developing; every minute, 250,000 neurons are produced.

Baby Size: Our baby is the size of a medium shrimp.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Baby Announcement!

We decided to announce our pregnancy to the world today! We did this by posting a photo we took on Facebook. The feedback was awesome. It's so nice to see all of the people that are excited for us. It makes me even that more excited to meet this little one!

Here is the photo: