Friday, December 30, 2011

First doctors appointment with ULTRASOUND!!!

Yesterday we had our first doctors appointment. It went great! Actually, the first appointment (at 8 weeks) is with a nurse practitioner. She was very helpful and answered all of my first time mommy questions I had. She talked to me quite a bit about morning sickness and basically told me everything I have been doing that I thought was working for me, is actually working against me....damn orange juice! I always thought if an expectant mother craved something, it was for a reason. She said "No, your body can work against you sometimes."

They weren't planning on doing an ultrasound unless my uterus felt smaller or larger than expected.....and it didn't. So no twins for us! Just as the doctor was about to leave our room, Jesse pulled a fast one and begged for an ultrasound. She  caved and we got to see our little one! It was magical!! He/she already has a visible head, nose ,lips, brain, arms, legs, etc. It was so amazing to see that little heart fluttering away, at 180 BPM to be exact!

So here is our little love bug (the head is on the left, the black spot is its brain):
And here is a close up of the little bugger:

Saturday, December 24, 2011

8 Weeks

I am writing this post a day early because tomorrow is Christmas and I might be a little too busy to write.

Here we go:

How far along? 8 weeks

Weight Gain/Loss: I've lost a total of 7 lbs. so far. I'm getting a little nervous because that seems like a lot of weight to me. My stomach is still bloat/has a bump though. 

Maternity Clothes? I've been wearing loose shirts to hide the bump at work still and I'm wearing a be band on my regular jeans. 

Symptoms: I have morning sickness now, I actually started getting it the day after I wrote my 6 week post. I'm still trying to figure out which foods I can't eat and what actually makes me feel better. I have a lot of food aversions now, mostly because of the way they smell. Vegetables (especially cooked) are a big no no. What has been working for me is eating really small portions throughout the day. I think the baby loves chicken nuggets because my stomach is happy every time I have those. Nights are pretty bad right now. I usually can't eat anything at night otherwise my stomach is churning and I get a horrible stomach ache and can't sleep.

Best moment this week: This weekend we are telling Jesse's side of the family at Christmas. I also get to see my two sisters. They haven't seen me in person since I've been pregnant so I'm really excited for that.

Food Cravings? No cravings, I pretty much hate food right now....ugh!

Gender? I was so sure it's a boy and now I just have no idea. I really want to see the little bug soon though! 

Belly button in or out? In.

Stretch Marks? Not yet. I'm lathering on lotion every morning.

Movement? None

What Im looking forward to: I'm still looking forward to our doctor's appt. It's in 4 days! I really hope we can have an ultrasound at this appointment. 

Milestones: Our baby has formed eyelids, it's nose is starting to protrude, and lower lip is taking shape. It is now forming fingers and toes from it's arm and leg buds.  

Baby Size: Our baby is the size of a raspberry.

Monday, December 12, 2011

6 Weeks!

I'm a day late on this post because yesterday was so hectic. We went up to my grandma's cabin for the weekend (where we told my side of the family the news) and then went to Bennihana's with my in laws for my mother-in-laws birthday and my birthday.

Here's what's new with baby:

How far along? 6 weeks

Weight Gain/Loss: I lost 2 lbs. despite the fact that I feel enormous due to bloat.

Maternity Clothes? Well I'm a little embarrassed to say this, but yes, I have worn maternity pants twice because the bloat can get soooo big! I'm hoping it goes down so this isn't a regular occurrence just yet.

Symptoms: Reading back from the last post, I can't believe how much has changed. My only symptom really guessed it, bloat! I should elaborate a little bit on this bloat, my stomach isn't just a little bit bloated like PMS bloat where I can hide it and it goes away after a day or two. No, my stomach is rock hard and it looks like I'm a couple months pregnant. If I eat anything, even a piece of fruit, the bloat doubles in size. I guess I can say I'm extremely lucky if this is the only symptom I have. It is fun to look at my "belly" in the mirror, it gets me excited for the real bump!

Best moment this week: Telling my extended family at our Christmas. They were so genuinely happy for us. I didn't expect that really. Makes me so excited to have the baby and bring it to next years Christmas. 

Food Cravings? I hadn't craved anything until last night. We had Bennihana's for dinner and the meal came with shorbet at the end of it. I ate most of it. Then later at home, we were watching tv and I just needed to have more. This ended in Jesse running to the store to get me a huge jug of it....I love him! and my raspberry shorbet!

Gender? Still thinking it's a boy. The Chinese gender chart says girl, we'll see who is right. 

Belly button in or out? In.

Stretch Marks? None yet and that reminds me, I need to go purchase some cocoa butter.

Movement? No, too early.

What Im looking forward to: Our first doctors appt, which is right after Christmas. 

Milestones: Our baby has formed its major organs this week, the heart, kineys, liver. Its heart is beating now and blood is circulating its little body. He/she also has formed little limbs that will turn into arms and legs.

Baby Size: Our baby is the size of a pea.